Beta Design Consultants provide consulting services to developers and clients professional teams to support in the detailed design and the discharge of planning conditions to meet regulatory requirements of the local authorities and other statutory bodies.
We have undertaken such studies on some relatively large and complex projects as well as some smaller developments. These consulting services range from simple construction method statements to a comprehensive consulting service that covers hydrology, drainage, transport, noise and evaluation of likely impact on adjacent sites.
Our discharge of planning conditions covers the following aspects:
- Construction method statement, basement impact assessment and temporary works design.
- Flood risk assessment – detailed drainage design.
- Hydrology studies when needed (e.g. when undertaking deep excavations or where risk of contamination on aquifers).
- Undertaking a geo-physical survey.
- Light assessment (e.g. basements).
- Traffic assessment, transport strategy, swept path analysis.
- Highways S278 agreements and other legal/statutory approvals that might be required.
- Noise assessment and noise surveys.
- Energy Assessment, Energy Strategy and Net-Zero Carbon calculations (as well as U values).
Relevant Case Studies
- Construction Management Plan and Acoustics Study for Willow Road 3 Storey Residential Development.
Construction Management Plan and Traffic Management Plan inc Swept Path Analysis for Johnson Street 3 Storey Industrial Development.

- Willow Road

Basement Impact Assessment and Lighting Study for 15 Landor Road Basement in Conservation Area.